由于 Environment.GetFolderPath 可以传入的参数里面,有许多都是 Windows 系统特有的,在 Linux 上不存在的,也没有映射对应的文件夹。本文将在 WSL Debian 和 UOS 系统上测试 Environment.GetFolderPath 行为
测试使用 Environment.SpecialFolder 的各个枚举获取路径的代码如下
foreach (var name in Enum.GetNames<Environment.SpecialFolder>())
Console.WriteLine($"{name} = {Environment.GetFolderPath(Enum.Parse<Environment.SpecialFolder>(name))}");
在 WSL Debian 的运行结果如下
Desktop =
Programs =
MyDocuments =
Personal =
Favorites =
Startup =
Recent =
SendTo =
StartMenu =
MyMusic =
MyVideos =
DesktopDirectory =
MyComputer =
NetworkShortcuts =
Fonts =
Templates =
CommonStartMenu =
CommonPrograms =
CommonStartup =
CommonDesktopDirectory =
ApplicationData = /home/user/.config
PrinterShortcuts =
LocalApplicationData = /home/user/.local/share
InternetCache =
Cookies =
History =
CommonApplicationData = /usr/share
Windows =
System =
ProgramFiles =
MyPictures =
UserProfile = /home/user
SystemX86 =
ProgramFilesX86 =
CommonProgramFiles =
CommonProgramFilesX86 =
CommonTemplates =
CommonDocuments =
CommonAdminTools =
AdminTools =
CommonMusic =
CommonPictures =
CommonVideos =
Resources =
LocalizedResources =
CommonOemLinks =
CDBurning =
在 UOS 系统的运行结果如下
Desktop = /home/lin/Desktop
Programs =
MyDocuments = /home/lin/Documents
Personal = /home/lin/Documents
Favorites =
Startup =
Recent =
SendTo =
StartMenu =
MyMusic = /home/lin/Music
MyVideos = /home/lin/Videos
DesktopDirectory = /home/lin/Desktop
MyComputer =
NetworkShortcuts =
Fonts =
Templates = /home/lin/.Templates
CommonStartMenu =
CommonPrograms =
CommonStartup =
CommonDesktopDirectory =
ApplicationData = /home/lin/.config
PrinterShortcuts =
LocalApplicationData = /home/lin/.local/share
InternetCache =
Cookies =
History =
CommonApplicationData = /usr/share
Windows =
System =
ProgramFiles =
MyPictures = /home/lin/Pictures
UserProfile = /home/lin
SystemX86 =
ProgramFilesX86 =
CommonProgramFiles =
CommonProgramFilesX86 =
CommonTemplates =
CommonDocuments =
CommonAdminTools =
AdminTools =
CommonMusic =
CommonPictures =
CommonVideos =
Resources =
LocalizedResources =
CommonOemLinks =
CDBurning =
可以看到 UOS 上有更多的属性是存在值的,存在一些行为差异
另外,根据 UOS 官方文档 的如下说明:
软件包不允许直接向$HOME目录直接写入文件,后期系统将会使用沙箱技术重新定向$HOME,任何依赖该特性的行为都可能失效。 应用使用如下环境变量指示的目录写入应用数据和配置:
我同时也测试了以上的 XDG_DATA_HOME
XDG_DATA_HOME = /home/lin/.local/share
XDG_CONFIG_HOME = /home/lin/.config
XDG_CACHE_HOME = /home/lin/.cache
和 LocalApplicationData
和 ApplicationData
可以通过如下方式获取本文的源代码,先创建一个空文件夹,接着使用命令行 cd 命令进入此空文件夹,在命令行里面输入以下代码,即可获取到本文的代码
git init
git remote add origin https://gitee.com/lindexi/lindexi_gd.git
git pull origin 61a7e77b8b86e17ccf2b5d1a9d0460d09cc95036
以上使用的是 gitee 的源,如果 gitee 不能访问,请替换为 github 的源。请在命令行继续输入以下代码
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/lindexi/lindexi_gd.git
git pull origin 61a7e77b8b86e17ccf2b5d1a9d0460d09cc95036
获取代码之后,进入 NurbeakairweWaharbaner 文件夹
这里的 XDG 是 X Desktop Group 的缩写,更多 XDG 知识请参阅:
在 dotnet 的 runtime 底层的 Environment.GetFolderPath 实现如下
public static partial class Environment
private static string GetFolderPathCore(SpecialFolder folder, SpecialFolderOption option)
// Get the path for the SpecialFolder
string path = GetFolderPathCoreWithoutValidation(folder) ?? string.Empty;
Debug.Assert(path != null);
// If we didn't get one, or if we got one but we're not supposed to verify it,
// or if we're supposed to verify it and it passes verification, return the path.
if (path.Length == 0 ||
option == SpecialFolderOption.DoNotVerify ||
Interop.Sys.Access(path, Interop.Sys.AccessMode.R_OK) == 0)
return path;
// Failed verification. If None, then we're supposed to return an empty string.
// If Create, we're supposed to create it and then return the path.
if (option == SpecialFolderOption.None)
return string.Empty;
Debug.Assert(option == SpecialFolderOption.Create);
return path;
private static string? GetFolderPathCoreWithoutValidation(SpecialFolder folder)
// First handle any paths that involve only static paths, avoiding the overheads of getting user-local paths.
// https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/file-hierarchy.html
switch (folder)
case SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData: return "/usr/share";
case SpecialFolder.CommonTemplates: return "/usr/share/templates";
case SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles: return "/Applications";
case SpecialFolder.System: return "/System";
// All other paths are based on the XDG Base Directory Specification:
// https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/
string? home = null;
home = PersistedFiles.GetHomeDirectory();
catch (Exception exc)
Debug.Fail($"Unable to get home directory: {exc}");
// Fall back to '/' when we can't determine the home directory.
// This location isn't writable by non-root users which provides some safeguard
// that the application doesn't write data which is meant to be private.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(home))
home = "/";
// TODO: Consider caching (or precomputing and caching) all subsequent results.
// This would significantly improve performance for repeated access, at the expense
// of not being responsive to changes in the underlying environment variables,
// configuration files, etc.
switch (folder)
case SpecialFolder.UserProfile:
return home;
case SpecialFolder.Templates:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR", "Templates");
// TODO: Consider merging the OSX path with the rest of the Apple systems here:
// https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Environment.iOS.cs
case SpecialFolder.Desktop:
case SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSDesktopDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.ApplicationData:
case SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSApplicationSupportDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: // same value as Personal
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSDocumentDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.MyMusic:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSMusicDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.MyVideos:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSMoviesDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.MyPictures:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSPicturesDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.Fonts:
return Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Fonts");
case SpecialFolder.Favorites:
return Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Favorites");
case SpecialFolder.InternetCache:
return Interop.Sys.SearchPath(NSSearchPathDirectory.NSCachesDirectory);
case SpecialFolder.Desktop:
case SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_DESKTOP_DIR", "Desktop");
case SpecialFolder.ApplicationData:
return GetXdgConfig(home);
case SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData:
// "$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data files should be stored."
// "If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used."
string? data = GetEnvironmentVariable("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (data is null || !data.StartsWith('/'))
data = Path.Combine(home, ".local", "share");
return data;
case SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: // same value as Personal
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR", "Documents");
case SpecialFolder.MyMusic:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_MUSIC_DIR", "Music");
case SpecialFolder.MyVideos:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_VIDEOS_DIR", "Videos");
case SpecialFolder.MyPictures:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_PICTURES_DIR", "Pictures");
case SpecialFolder.Fonts:
return Path.Combine(home, ".fonts");
// No known path for the SpecialFolder
return string.Empty;
private static string GetXdgConfig(string home)
// "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored."
// "If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used."
string? config = GetEnvironmentVariable("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (config is null || !config.StartsWith('/'))
config = Path.Combine(home, ".config");
return config;
private static string ReadXdgDirectory(string homeDir, string key, string fallback)
Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(homeDir), $"Expected non-empty homeDir");
Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key), $"Expected non-empty key");
Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fallback), $"Expected non-empty fallback");
string? envPath = GetEnvironmentVariable(key);
if (envPath is not null && envPath.StartsWith('/'))
return envPath;
// Use the user-dirs.dirs file to look up the right config.
// Note that the docs also highlight a list of directories in which to look for this file:
// "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS defines the preference-ordered set of base directories to search for configuration files in addition
// to the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME base directory. The directories in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS should be separated with a colon ':'. If
// $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is either not set or empty, a value equal to / etc / xdg should be used."
// For simplicity, we don't currently do that. We can add it if/when necessary.
string userDirsPath = Path.Combine(GetXdgConfig(homeDir), "user-dirs.dirs");
if (Interop.Sys.Access(userDirsPath, Interop.Sys.AccessMode.R_OK) == 0)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(userDirsPath))
string? line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
// Example lines:
// XDG_PICTURES_DIR = "/absolute/path"
// Skip past whitespace at beginning of line
int pos = 0;
SkipWhitespace(line, ref pos);
if (pos >= line.Length) continue;
// Skip past requested key name
if (string.CompareOrdinal(line, pos, key, 0, key.Length) != 0) continue;
pos += key.Length;
// Skip past whitespace and past '='
SkipWhitespace(line, ref pos);
if (pos >= line.Length - 4 || line[pos] != '=') continue; // 4 for ="" and at least one char between quotes
pos++; // skip past '='
// Skip past whitespace and past first quote
SkipWhitespace(line, ref pos);
if (pos >= line.Length - 3 || line[pos] != '"') continue; // 3 for "" and at least one char between quotes
pos++; // skip past opening '"'
// Skip past relative prefix if one exists
bool relativeToHome = false;
const string RelativeToHomePrefix = "$HOME/";
if (string.CompareOrdinal(line, pos, RelativeToHomePrefix, 0, RelativeToHomePrefix.Length) == 0)
relativeToHome = true;
pos += RelativeToHomePrefix.Length;
else if (line[pos] != '/') // if not relative to home, must be absolute path
// Find end of path
int endPos = line.IndexOf('"', pos);
if (endPos <= pos) continue;
// Got we need. Now extract it.
string path = line.Substring(pos, endPos - pos);
return relativeToHome ?
Path.Combine(homeDir, path) :
catch (Exception exc)
// assembly not found, file not found, errors reading file, etc. Just eat everything.
Debug.Fail($"Failed reading {userDirsPath}: {exc}");
return Path.Combine(homeDir, fallback);
private static void SkipWhitespace(string line, ref int pos)
while (pos < line.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(line[pos])) pos++;
注: 在 dotnet 6.0.26 和 dotnet 7 版本,获取的 MyDocuments 的值将会和 UserProfile 相同,都是指向 $HOME
case SpecialFolder.UserProfile:
case SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: // same value as Personal
return home;
private static string GetFolderPathCoreWithoutValidation(SpecialFolder folder)
// First handle any paths that involve only static paths, avoiding the overheads of getting user-local paths.
// https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/file-hierarchy.html
switch (folder)
case SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData: return "/usr/share";
case SpecialFolder.CommonTemplates: return "/usr/share/templates";
case SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles: return "/Applications";
case SpecialFolder.System: return "/System";
// All other paths are based on the XDG Base Directory Specification:
// https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/
string? home = null;
home = PersistedFiles.GetHomeDirectory();
catch (Exception exc)
Debug.Fail($"Unable to get home directory: {exc}");
// Fall back to '/' when we can't determine the home directory.
// This location isn't writable by non-root users which provides some safeguard
// that the application doesn't write data which is meant to be private.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(home))
home = "/";
// TODO: Consider caching (or precomputing and caching) all subsequent results.
// This would significantly improve performance for repeated access, at the expense
// of not being responsive to changes in the underlying environment variables,
// configuration files, etc.
switch (folder)
case SpecialFolder.UserProfile:
case SpecialFolder.MyDocuments: // same value as Personal
return home;
case SpecialFolder.ApplicationData:
return GetXdgConfig(home);
case SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData:
// "$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data files should be stored."
// "If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used."
string? data = GetEnvironmentVariable("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data) || data[0] != '/')
data = Path.Combine(home, ".local", "share");
return data;
case SpecialFolder.Desktop:
case SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_DESKTOP_DIR", "Desktop");
case SpecialFolder.Templates:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR", "Templates");
case SpecialFolder.MyVideos:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_VIDEOS_DIR", "Videos");
case SpecialFolder.MyMusic:
return Path.Combine(home, "Music");
case SpecialFolder.MyPictures:
return Path.Combine(home, "Pictures");
case SpecialFolder.Fonts:
return Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Fonts");
case SpecialFolder.Favorites:
return Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Favorites");
case SpecialFolder.InternetCache:
return Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Caches");
case SpecialFolder.MyMusic:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_MUSIC_DIR", "Music");
case SpecialFolder.MyPictures:
return ReadXdgDirectory(home, "XDG_PICTURES_DIR", "Pictures");
case SpecialFolder.Fonts:
return Path.Combine(home, ".fonts");
// No known path for the SpecialFolder
return string.Empty;
在 dotnet 8 的 Fix some incorrect SpecialFolder entries for Unix by Miepee · Pull Request #68610 · dotnet/runtime 的更改里面,优化了各路径的读取方法,从而更改了 MyDocuments 的返回值路径
详细文档请看 .NET 8 中断性变更:Unix 上的 GetFolderPath 行为 - .NET Microsoft Learn
以上不仅变更了在 Linux 上的行为也变更了在安卓 macOS 等的行为
本文会经常更新,请阅读原文: https://blog.lindexi.com/post/dotnet-%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E5%9C%A8-Linux-%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84-Environment.GetFolderPath-%E8%A1%8C%E4%B8%BA.html ,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。
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